What to Look for in a Prenatal Supplement

Prenatal supplements provide multi-nutrient support for pregnant women. A comprehensive review found that up to 20-30% of pregnant women may still have a vitamin deficiency, and that up to 75% of pregnant women may require supplementation to support healthy levels of vitamins and minerals.Here is a list of things to look for in a prenatal supplement to support general health and wellbeing for both you and your baby:
  1. Iron: During pregnancy, blood volume can increase by up to 50%, increasing the demand for iron.2 Research suggests that the ferric pyrophosphate form of iron is very absorbable and an option for people who experience side effects such as constipation as a result of supplementation.                                                     
  2. Folic acid: This important micronutrient is necessary in pregnancy to help prevent neural tube birth defects (NTDs). It is also important to be aware that folic acid is activated in our bodies to methylated tetrahydrofolate (MTHF), but that up to two thirds of people may have a genetic variant, impacting their ability to do this. Start taking a prenatal containing MTHF at least one month prior to conception, since NTDs often develop before many women know they are pregnant.

  3. Vitamin B6: Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate is the active form of vitamin B6 and recommended to provide healthy levels in both mother and baby for general health, growth and development.

  4. Vitamin D3, Calcium, and Magnesium: Magnesium and calcium supplementation promote a healthy pregnancy and foetal development. Adequate intake of these minerals and vitamin D helps to support the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, and improve birth weight and length.1,3 Vitamin D3 from lichen, calcium from algae sources and blends of magnesium (citrate, malate, succinate, glycinate, aspartate, ascorbate) provide comprehensive support.

  5. Iodine: Iodine supports the formation of thyroid hormones necessary for maternal health and normal foetal neurodevelopment.4 Iodine can be lacking in vegetarians and vegan diets and may require supplementation to support healthy levels. Kelp-based iodine is in its most natural form and 75 mcg daily is recommended.
  6. ISURA: A lack of GMOs, allergens, heavy metals, pesticide residues and other toxins make for a healthy choice when it comes to prenatal supplementation. Look for the ISURA seal of approval to ensure your prenatal choice is both effective and safe.

The information in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before starting certain supplements or lifestyle changes.

 *References available on request

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